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1-Source Electronic Components, Inc
Blacklisted in B2B Supplier/Buyer Blacklist

"1-Source Electronic Components, Inc" is blacklisted in the global B2B supplier/buyer blacklist (SBBL) database due to reported fraud, scam, deceiving or unethical practices. Business shall exercise extreme caution when dealing with the company.

1-Source Electronic Components, Inc
United States
7 Todd Court Yaphank, NY 11980, 7 Todd Court, YAPHANK, NY, United States
12,001 to 25,000 USD
US or Canada
1Source Components More cunning than Fox. 1Source Components At 2012 owe our subcompany USD 17000.00 Unable to pay the debt,and run away 1Source Components At 2014 , Cooperated with our head company,and our account keep USD 8600.00, debt had not pay all yet ..... 1Source Components Because many fraud, has been kicked out of a member of TBF 1Source Components Fraud company ,chipchecker had bankrupt 1Source Components and chipchecker is same owner chipchecker has gone bankrupt please don't work with them, avoid to be deceived.

1Source Components More cunning than Fox. 1Source Components in 2012 owe our subcompany USD17,000.00 Unable to pay the debt, and run away. 1Source Components in 2014 , cooperated with our head company, and our account keep USD8600.00, debt. They did not pay at all yet ….. 1Source Components Because many fraud, has been kicked out of a member of TBF 1Source Components Fraud company ,chipchecker had bankrupt 1Source Components and chipchecker is same owner chipchecker had bankrupt pls don't work with them , avoid to be deceived.

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