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Location: san frcancico, san francico, United States
Business Type: Export - Manufacturer / Trading Company
No. of Employees: 69
Established: 2006
Member Since: 2018
Our niche is presently bent of the new  medical marijuana company, marijuana for cancer treatment is now available for delivery in most dispensaries but many people do not take advantage of the amazing power of these plants to free them from their cancer stress, strains like purple kush are amazing ,my grandmom was treated with those  you can always have purple kush for sale at 

call 5706305950

Products: THC AND CBD OILS FOR SALE , medical marijuana
Brands: canabis oil ,weed
Address: silver road california
City: san frcancico
State/Prov.: san francico Phone No.: 5706305950
Zip/Postal Code: 12007 Fax: 5706305950
Country: United States Cell: 5706305950
Contact: johann johann